About Us

Welcome to the city of Seattle, where urban living meets endless opportunities for adventure, exploration, and unforgettable experiences. Seattle is located on a narrow strip of land that separates Lake Washington from Puget Sound.

The Suquamish and Duwamish Tribes of the Coastal Salish people have ancestral lands on which the city of Seattle has been developed. Throughout the thousands of years they lived in this area, they established extensive trading and social networks, in addition to an in-depth knowledge of the land and water.

We are a collective of long-time Seattle residents, each with a deep-seated passion for this magnificent region we’ve called home for several decades. Our hearts beat to the rhythm of the Puget Sound’s gentle waves, and we’ve traversed the city’s every nook and cranny, from the iconic to the obscure. Our love for this area isn’t just a passing affection; it’s a profound connection that has only grown stronger with time.

Seattle, with its lush greenery, vibrant neighborhoods, and rich cultural tapestry, has captured our souls and nurtured our spirits. It’s a city that thrives not only on its well-known landmarks but also on its hidden gems, secret gardens, tucked-away eateries, and untold stories. We believe that Seattle’s essence lies not only in what meets the eye but in the whispers of its secrets.

Our mission is simple yet profound: we want to share the enchanting secrets of this city with others. Seattle’s secrets are like treasures waiting to be discovered, and we believe that by unveiling them, we can help you forge a deeper connection with this remarkable place. Through our collective knowledge and unwavering dedication, we aim to illuminate the hidden corners and lesser-known narratives that make Seattle the captivating and enigmatic city it is. So, join us in this journey of exploration and revelation, as we open the doors to Seattle’s best-kept secrets for you to uncover and cherish.

Seattle Secrets is a website dedicated to uncovering and sharing the hidden treasures and lost history of Seattle. The site offers a variety of content focused on the unique and often overlooked aspects of the city. Here’s a detailed analysis of the focus of this website:

  1. Hidden Gems:
    • Highlights of Seattle’s hidden gems, including less-known locations, structures, and amenities. This section aims to introduce visitors and locals to places that might not be on the typical tourist map but offer a rich and unique experience.
  2. Lost History:
    • A significant focus is on the lost history of Seattle. This includes uncovering and narrating stories from the past that have been forgotten or are not widely known. These stories help paint a fuller picture of Seattle’s historical landscape.
  3. Day Trips:
    • The site provides suggestions for day trips in and around Seattle. These trips are designed to help people explore the surrounding areas, offering a quick escape from the city while still appreciating the local culture and environment.
  4. Books and Literature:
    • The website curates lists of books that delve into various aspects of Seattle, including:
      • Seattle Stories: Books that capture the diverse landscapes and dynamic culture of Seattle.
      • Seattle History: Books that explore the city’s past, including its landmarks and significant events.
      • Seattle Adventures: Guides to exploring the city’s neighborhoods and distinctive locations.

Seattle Secrets focuses on exploring and celebrating the lesser-known aspects of Seattle through hidden gems, historical narratives, day trips, and literary recommendations. Providing a deeper understanding and appreciation of the city’s unique character and heritage.