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Here are answers to some common questions about this website featuring the lost history and the hidden gems of Seattle.


Seattle Secrets is a website dedicated to uncovering the lesser-known, hidden, and unique aspects of Seattle. We delve into the city’s history, culture, and off-the-beaten-path attractions, showcasing the secrets that make Seattle special.

You’ll discover a wide range of secrets, from hidden parks and local legends to lesser-known historical events and quirky traditions. We cover everything that adds depth and character to Seattle beyond the typical tourist spots.

We are a group of Seattle residents who have been here for several decades. We wish to introduce others to this place that we adore.

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Our goal is to provide insights that both tourists and locals can enjoy. Whether you’re visiting Seattle for the first time or have lived here for years, there’s always something new to uncover.

We strive to update the content regularly to keep it fresh and relevant. You can expect new articles, features, and secrets added on a regular basis.

Yes, we welcome contributions from fellow Seattle enthusiasts! If you have a hidden gem or secret you’d like to share, please reach out to us through our contact page. We’d love to hear from you.

You can use the form above to ask and we will try to find the answer for.

While we don’t organize tours directly, we often provide information about local tour operators who specialize in showcasing some of Seattle’s hidden gems. Check our articles and recommendations for more details.

You can reach out to us through the contact information provided on our website. We’re open to inquiries, collaborations, and partnerships that align with our mission of uncovering Seattle’s secrets.

Yes, we offer a newsletter to keep you updated on the latest Seattle secrets, events, and articles. You can subscribe on our website’s homepage.

Thank you for visiting Seattle Secrets!

We hope our website enriches your experience of this vibrant city by revealing its lesser-known treasures.
Seattle 1988